5 Ways to Stay Motivated!!!


From shooting campaigns, to hosting events and at times feeling as if I can’t seem to catch a break, it can be a bit hard trying to find ways to keep myself motivated and focused.

As an influencer, my career requires a lot of time and dedication—and when many people are done with their 9 to 5’s, my 5 to 9 begins. Now don’t take it as complaining, because I am beyond blessed and grateful for what God has given me and continues to give me, however I tend to make sure I’m keeping a balance between accomplishing my goals and giving myself time to simply breathe. I

If you’re anything like me, then you know that sustaining motivation can be a bit tough at times. One thing I’m reminded of are my passions and goals. I know that what I do is so much more bigger than me, and in order to fulfill my set goals, I have to remain motivated.

1.    Build a strong foundation & relationship with God

One thing that has consistently kept me motivated is my relationship with God. If you’ve been following me for a while, then you know how serious I am about my faith. I find it extremely important to build a foundational relationship with God—not just when you’re going through hard times. One of my favorite scriptures, Matthew 6:33 reads, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well,” and I believe that wholeheartedly, which truly keeps me motivated and afloat during trying times.  

2.    Write down your long-term and short-term goals

Writing your long and short-term goals down somewhere where you can see and read them every single day truly does something for your mind. It not only creates repetition, but it forces you to act on those goals until they’re accomplished—now tell me that isn’t motivating!  


3.    Make sure your circle is full of optimistic and hardworking people

I know we’ve all heard the saying—you are who you surround yourself with, and honestly that is the complete truth. When you are constantly surrounding yourself with optimistic and hardworking people, it forces you to be the exact same way—and if it doesn’t trust me, it will eventually. It’s almost like you have no choice but to be great because the ones around you won’t let you be any other way. So continue to surround yourself with optimistic and hardworking individuals as you’re on the journey to stay motivated.  

4.    Accept that you cannot do it all alone

Don’t overwork yourself by thinking you can do it all alone—because it truly takes a village, in whatever it is that you are doing. To stay motivated, you can’t burnout. Burnout occurs when you’ve given yourself too much at once, and you truly can’t do it alone. Once you’ve accepted the fact that you can’t do it all by yourself, it not only alleviates stress and frustration, but it allows you to trust others to help you along the way. Understand that it’s OK to not be in control of everything— you cannot do it all alone.  

5.    Understand your why/purpose  

Finding your purpose and understanding why you were put on this Earth is one of the most motivating things. We all have a purpose here, and when trying to fulfill or even find it, it can get discouraging, but if you continue to place God first and allow him to use you as a vessel-- that’s truly all the motivation you need love!   

So “how do you stay so motivated?” That is a constant question I am asked by so many people, and I thought it’d be best so share some ways I stay motivated when there’s so much on my plate!   

FaithJaLisa Vaughn