Quarantine Shopping List-- The Essentials

Hey Loves! At a time like this, many of us are in a bit of a frenzy and panic due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Lots of people are going out and clearing the aisles, and are leaving little to nothing for others. During this period, it’s important to take into consideration the necessary supplies and products you may need while staying home. Although we’ve been hearing and reading several stories about toilet paper, Lysol and water being bought in bulk-- there are so many more essential items that are just as important as these.

Below is a list of essentials items to purchase during this self-quarantine period. Please take into consideration, these are items you should be stocking up on once an extended home stay has been warranted by your city.  

Dry Goods

Dry goods will last you quite a while during long periods of time. Things such as rice, beans, pasta, cereal, oatmeal, granola bars and nuts are all good sources of dry foods that are easy to throw on the stove for a meal. 

Canned Goods

Canned fruits and vegetables tend to last a lot longer-- even though they may not be as fresh as the ones in the produce section. Soup and canned pasta sauce are also both really good items to have in your pantry because they are meals that can be fixed with multiple things, and make good leftovers! 

Fresh Foods

If you are able to stock up on fresh fruits and vegetables as well then there’s no reason you shouldn’t. Fresh meat and fish are good to keep cold or frozen during times like this and make for the perfect meal when you’re needing something to eat.  

Frozen Foods

Easy-to-make microwaveable meals are always a good idea for times like this. If you have a freezer and you don’t think you’ll want to prepare a hot meal everyday, then frozen foods are perfect to stock up on. 


Stocking up on food doesn’t have to be boring! Grab some of your favorite chips, cookies and other sweets and add those to the cart as well. As long as they’re in moderation, it’s OK to have them.


Yes, having bottles of water is essential, but it’s OK to also stock up on juices, teas and coffee. Being that many coffee stores may be temporarily closed or have limited supply, making your own cup of warm tea or coffee is a good alternative (and much cheaper too)! 

Personal Hygiene 

When it comes to personal hygiene, you can never have too much body soap, dish soap, laundry detergent, and of course toilet paper. Make sure you stock up on these items (in moderation), and take what you need so there’s plenty left on the shelves for others. Hand sanitizer is also a great item to have during this time, whereas if you happen to be away from a sink, you can still utilize your hand sanitizer to make sure your hands are staying clean.    

Cleaning Supplies

Now is a great time to stock up on cleaning supplies. We must do our part to make sure we are taking the necessary precautions to keep our homes both clean and sanitized. Wiping down all of our common areas and spraying disinfectant spray as needed. 

These are a few items that I’ve personally stocked up on since having to adjust to being home majority of the time. Make sure you’re taking into consideration that there are others that need these same necessary items, so when you visit your local grocery store, take only what you may need and don’t be greedy!

Also, it’s important to remember because we are in the house and we are able to control our eating habits, this is the best time to give our body what it truly deserves which includes fruits and vegetables. For those of you that are practicing keto, this is also a perfect time to do intermittent fasting especially since summer is right around the corner! Take a look at some of my favorite keto supplements here!   

LifestyleJaLisa Vaughn