My Favorite Pregnancy Books


Since the beginning of my pregnancy, you guys know I’ve done a ton of research and reading on literally every single topic related to childbirth— being a first-time mom, healthy sleeping habits, praying through pregnancy and so much more— I mean the list goes on and on! Before I go any further, I want to let you guys know that you can never learn enough of anything! Becoming a new parent brings about a lot of different feelings and emotions, and even though experience is our best teacher, reading to learn valuable information helps prepare us for those experiences. 

Feeling overly prepared is something I tend to do a lot, so of course with my pregnancy that’s been no different (I think it honestly enhanced it). They say knowledge is power, and some of my favorite books that I’ve read throughout my pregnancy embody just that. I wanted to share a few books with you all that I’ve read throughout my pregnancy to help reassure, encourage and empower me along my new journey of motherhood.

I obviously want to be a mother that is well aware of what I’m preparing myself and my body for, and these books have helped aid in this process. A lot of times people will tell you not to read certain books because it’s too much information and not everyone’s situation will be the same, and although that is true, these books have helped me get through the unknown of childbirth and have eased my anxiety and fears a lot!

With just a few months of my pregnancy left to go, I wanted to share with you all 10 of my favorite pregnancy books that have helped and informed me along the way!

Top 10 Favorite Pregnancy Books

1. What to Expect When You’re Expecting 

This book is one of the most popular pregnancy books to date. Known as the “pregnancy bible” What to Expect When You’re Expecting answers all of your baby questions from when you should take your first at-home pregnancy test to what foods are safe to eat while pregnant. This one has definitely been a go-to guide for me and has helped me so much in feeling prepared and at ease as we wait for Harper’s arrival.

2. Daring Greatly 

Daring Greatly is not only a #1 New York Times bestseller for obvious reasons, but it’s one of the first pregnancy books I read that truly broke down the uncertainties, risks, and emotional exposure of pregnancy. This book goes into depth about what it means to be vulnerable and knowing that it’s okay to be a vulnerable mother with your child. With the theme of courage in mind, Daring Greatly instantly became one of my favs! 

3. Midnight Devotional for Moms

You guys know I’m extremely open about my faith, so this devotional book for mom’s was right up my alley! With over 300+ daily devotionals, this book brought about an even deeper sense of connection between Harper and I. These prayers vary from getting ready for a new beginning to learning how to remove fear and anxiety, and let me just tell y'all, this book is absolutely amazing!

4. The Conscious Parent: Transforming Ourselves, Empowering Our Children 

The Conscious Parent is exactly what it sounds like, a book that focuses on what it means to empower our children and how that empowerment contributes to their growth and wellbeing. This book teaches you how to establish a relationship with your own inner state of wholeness instead of having your child serve as a mirror of your forgotten self. Yes sis, this one is real deep and really good!

5. The Daily Walk Bible NLT

The Daily Walk Bible isn’t a book that focuses on pregnancy, however it’s still been one of my favorite books to read while pregnant. It’s a book that has helped me complete my journey of reading through the bible from start to finish through a much more simple daily reading plan, as well as tools to help me see the overarching theme of the Bible. This one has been one of my favorites because it’s allowed me to continue to grow and nourish my relationship with God as he is the reason for everything that has happened in my life!   

6. The Happiest Baby on the Block

This book is a 4-part guide in breaking down how to soothe your baby. From the fourth trimester, the calming reflex, the 5 S’s and the cuddle cure, The Happiest Baby on the Block has been extremely informative in helping me better understand what methods I will incorporate to soothe my baby when the time comes. 

7. No Drama Discipline 

No Drama Discipline highlights the link between your child’s neurological development and the way you as a parent react to misbehavior. This book provides an effective, compassionate road map on how you should go about dealing with tantrums, tensions and lots of tears-- without having to incorporate the “drama.” With several strategies and tips along with candid stories, if you’re in search of a book that basically teaches you about being a patient parent, then this is it! 

8. Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child

There've been so many people that have told me “once the baby is here prepare to get no sleep,” and honestly I’m not even listening to that kind of talk, probably because of this book right here. Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child dives deep into prevention and treatment of sleeping problems, how to handle nap-resistant children and benefits of healthy sleeping habits for both the baby and parents. I will say this book has definitely helped me ease lots of “loss sleep anxiety.”   

9. Supernatural Childbirth 

The main focus of this book is to look at the act of childbirth through the eyes of God. Supernatural Childbirth teaches you how to put your faith and trust and God and know that he makes no mistakes and how you must be a living example of God’s promises in action-- definitely one of my favs!  

10. Praying Through Pregnancy 


Praying Through Your Pregnancy shows a mother how to provide an early head start for her child through the power of prayer. With fresh spiritual insight, each chapter reveals what is happening with the baby's development that week, starting with the very first moment of conception, when God begins the creation of either a boy or a girl. This interactive guidebook will teach you how to place your confidence in God in exchange for a healthy, precious growing baby.

What were or currently are some of your favorite pregnancy books-- let me know in the comments below!