Tips for Being Productive While Working from Home

As a lot of us may be aware, the COVID-19 has taken a toll on many of us. From changing our everyday work lives to completely having to transition and minimize our daily interaction with others, there’s nothing more frustrating than having to completely re-shift due to an unplanned or even unprepared as many of us may be, pandemic. Although I am a full-time influencer and blogger, I completely understand and take into consideration that not everyone has the luxury of being able to work from home-- so sometimes it can truly have an affect on how productive we are. 

Over this last week, many businesses have moved to remote working and are clearing out the offices. Because of this, those who have not regularly experienced working from home may be feeling a bit overwhelmed. Shifting your lifestyle to accommodate this new lifestyle can be a bit challenging which is why I am sharing a few tips with you on how to maintain productivity while working from home. These are tips that I personally use and have worked for me over the last two years as a full-time entrepreneur. 

  1. Work within your typical office hours. If you aren’t working your usual 9 to 5 hours then you may find yourself working longer or even more than anticipated.

  2. Establish a designated workspace. It’s so easy to get caught up working from home in your bed or on your couch, however this tends to lessen productivity. Find a space in your home either at a table or desk and use that area to complete your work. 

  3. Give yourself a break. Take small breaks, lunch breaks, coffee breaks, mental breaks-- whatever it is that you may need a break for take it in order to give your mind time to recoup and remain productive.

  4. Create a to-do list and stick to it. When working from you, you may feel like you aren’t normally getting as much work done as you would while being in the office. To better help track your productivity, create an intentional to-do list to keep track of how much work you are truly getting done. 

  5. Eliminate TV and all other distractions while doing work. If you don’t normally watch TV while working in the office, why bring that into your WFH environment?! Don’t multitask while working because it can create a huge distraction. Knock out your work, and then reward yourself with your favorite Netflix series afterwards.

  6. Hold yourself accountable. Keep in mind that working from home is not an excusable vacation. You still have work to do, and you are still being paid to do that work, so make sure you’re taking it just as serious as you would if you were in the office working at your desk. 

These are a few tips that have helped me transition from working in Corporate America to being a full-time influencer and blogger who works from home majority of the time. With everything taking place right now, for those that are having to transition from office life to WFH, these tips are perfect to adapt! Let me know what works best for you during your period of WFH in the comments below!